Storing Cannabis: Keeping Your Green Fresh and Moist

Owner Win planting in front of the shop

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Storing cannabis: when it comes to keeping your buds in prime condition, you have to shield them from heat, moisture, and light. But there’s more to cannabis storage than just these! It’s crucial to keep your cannabis moist so that after a bowl or joint, you’re soaring high, not feeling low. So, how should you store your weed so that it stays fresh for a long time? In this article, discover how to properly store cannabis and why maintaining the right moisture level is so vital.

The Significance of Humidity in Storing Cannabis

High or low humidity can quickly turn a desired high into a mood crash. Both lead your stash to degrade from its freshly harvested glory. In the worst-case scenario, you might even have to toss it away. We at are here to explain how too much or too little humidity affects your grass and how to avoid this – because no cannabis lover should feel down after a puff from a joint or a hit from a bong!

Ever Smoked Overly Damp Weed?

If you haven’t, consider yourself lucky! As its taste resembles that of grass – not the pleasant kind from the lovely hemp plant but rather the type from the lawn. You can surely imagine that it’s not a culinary delight. The moister your cannabis is, the more it ruins the enjoyment of your joint or bowl. This is not just due to the aroma but also because it becomes harder to ignite. If you’re struggling with a windproof lighter, pulling hard on your joint or bong and nothing happens – well, it’s quite disappointing.

Extended Exposure to Moisture

If your cannabis is exposed to moisture for too long, you could face a different catastrophe: Instead of a lush green bud with sparkling trichomes greets you a bud covered in white fur – not the fashionable kind, but the dreaded one. Mold has formed. In this case, you have no choice but to throw away your stash since mold is harmful to health and tastes disgusting too. In case you’re thinking about having at least one more bowl of it, we at advise you: Better refrain… Seriously… As much as it pains to waste your weed.

Pitfalls of Too Dry Cannabis

But the opposite scenario also brings frustration instead of cannabis delight. Too dry grass crumbles, burns quickly, scratches your lungs, and (quite literally) sobers you up. Weed that’s too dry won’t get you as high as fresh one. This is because cannabinoids and terpenes break down – the components that make you fly. Instead of a pleasant high and a good taste, you will get almost ineffective weed that has significantly lost its aroma. So, it’s essential that your grass is neither too damp nor too dry. The ideal humidity level is between 55 and 62 percent.

What are other important considerations for storing weed?

When it comes to the quality of cannabis, moisture is a key player. However, there are other aspects that you, as a dedicated stoner, should pay attention to while storing your stash:

Storing Cannabis – Light is a crucial factor

Storing cannabis is an art in itself and light plays a significant role in this. Let’s stand together to protect your green gold from the nasty UV-light, ensuring sustained pleasure. Forget about sunbathing your beloved buds, as they are more like vampires seeking shelter from daylight. UV light breaks down the precious cannabinoids and terpenes, which then results in loss of potency and flavor in your cannabis. Hence, shady and dark places are the best spots to preserve your buds.

But don’t worry, you don’t necessarily have to run to the next vampire castle shop to find a suitable hideout for your weed. Miron glass is your loyal ally in fighting against this light-induced flavor crime. This special glass blocks harmful UV radiation while preserving the energetic properties of your buds. In this way, your cannabis stays not only protected but also vibrant and energized – indeed a high pleasure in all respects!

So, grab a Miron glass container, put your green buddies in there and find them a cozy spot in the shade. Your cannabis will thank you by providing many enjoyable moments. Happy Storing!

Storing Cannabis – Temperature is a key player

Do you love it really warm and cuddly? Your weed doesn’t share this enthusiasm. Temperatures between 25.5 and 30 degrees °C promote mold formation. So don’t take the term hotboxing too literally and maintain a relatively cooler room temperature.

But be aware: You shouldn’t store cannabis in too cold conditions either. In the freezer, the trichomes freeze and quickly fall off the weed. The fridge also doesn’t fit the bill, as the quality suffers due to humidity and temperature fluctuations.

The proper storage box for preserving cannabis

Do you stash your buds in bags? Then get your stars out of there! Bags and plastic containers are translucent and can also make your weed sweat heavily when heat builds up inside. The trichomes then stick to the plastic, the effect weakens, and the smoke becomes harsher. You’ll find out how to properly store your cannabis further down.

What happens when cannabis gets old?

The main factors influencing the deterioration of your buds are light, air, temperature, and humidity. Here are some tips to counter these threats and keep your buds fresh:

  • Light: As we’ve already discussed, UV light is the major enemy of your cannabis. Choose a dark, shady place for storage or use Miron glass to minimize damage from light.
  • Air: Excessive oxygen can accelerate the breakdown of cannabinoids and terpenes. Ensure that your cannabis is stored in airtight containers to limit contact with oxygen. A vacuum sealing machine can also help to remove air from your storage containers.
  • Temperature: Avoid high temperatures that can dry out the cannabis and degrade terpenes. Ideally, you should store your buds at a temperature between 15 and 21 degrees Celsius. Also avoid exposing your cannabis to direct heat or sudden temperature changes.
  • Humidity: The right moisture balance is crucial to prevent mold formation or drying out. A relative humidity of about 55-62% is ideal. You can control this with the help of Boveda packs or similar humidity regulators.

In summary, it’s important to store your cannabis in a dark, cool place with minimal air circulation and controlled humidity. An airtight Miron glass container stored in a cupboard or drawer is a good choice to keep your buds fresh and potent. This way, you can ensure that your cannabis is always at the peak of its flavor and effect when you want to enjoy it.

How to spot if you’ve stored your weed incorrectly

Are you high and can’t be bothered to remember so much information at once? No problem! Here are the signs that you’ve stored your weed incorrectly, again as a checklist:

  • the weed is very dry and crumbly
  • it is too moist and worst case even moldy
  • you’re not getting as high anymore
  • the Ott has lost flavor or tastes unpleasant
  • the smoke is harsh and scratchy
  • the weed has lost trichomes and sparkles less
  • the color has changed significantly (even Mary Jane can go pale when she’s not doing well)

Maintaining the Freshness and Moisture of Your Cannabis

Ever thought about how to properly keep your weed while ensuring it stays fresh and moist? Let us guide you on an optimal storage plan that doesn’t involve stashing your stash in a plastic bag in the sofa crevices. As your reliable cannabis partner, we at have just the right tools for you:

Ensure Optimal Humidity Levels for Your Weed

Want to make sure your cannabis is well taken care of and comfortable in its storage? Treat yourself to our Boveda Humidity Regulators. These little packs come with two chambers. One chamber absorbs excess moisture when humidity levels get too high in the container, while the other releases moisture when needed. This way, your cannabis container regulates its own humidity, freeing you from worry – leaving you with nothing but good vibes and great bong hits.

Monitor Your Weed’s Humidity and Temperature

Trust is fine, but control is better, especially when it comes to your green gold. If you’re someone who likes to have a better handle on your weed’s quality than on your munchies intake after a hefty joint, consider investing in our Boveda Butler. This tiny electronic helper measures the humidity and temperature inside your weed container using a sensor and conveniently sends the data straight to your smartphone. So you can just kick back on your couch, knowing everything is under control.

Store Your Cannabis in an Appropriate Container

The ideal storage for your weed should be airtight, opaque, and ideally stylish too – after all, it’s home to your precious buds. Our stayhigh.jar ticks all these boxes, making it the perfect residence for Mary Jane. Encased in black silicone, this container is not only aesthetically pleasing and easy to handle but also effectively keeps your stash under wraps during unexpected visits – keeping your weed fresh and incognito.

What is the ideal humidity level for storing cannabis?

The optimal humidity level for cannabis storage is between 55% and 62% to prevent both mold growth and over-drying.

How can I prevent my cannabis from getting too dry or moist?

Use humidity control solutions like Boveda packs to maintain a consistent moisture level, and store your cannabis in airtight containers.

What type of container is best for storing cannabis?

The best containers are airtight, UV-resistant, like Miron glass jars, which protect cannabis from light and air exposure.

Can I store my cannabis in the refrigerator or freezer?

It is not recommended to store cannabis in the refrigerator or freezer because the fluctuation in temperature and humidity can damage the trichomes and degrade the quality.

How do I know if my cannabis has gone bad?

Cannabis that has gone bad may smell musty, be overly dry and crumbly, or show signs of mold and mildew. Avoid consumption if the quality seems compromised.

Owner Win planting in front of the shop
Sawadee ka, I'am Win

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