Oops, I smoked too much! How to effectively curb your cannabis high

Owner Win planting in front of the shop
Comparison of a person experiencing negative and positive effects of cannabis

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Did your last puff send you skyrocketing? Don’t fret, my friend, such misadventures are familiar even to the connoisseurs of the green herb! Occasionally, our cannabis experiments can push us into a state where we feel uneasy, paranoid, or just plain overwhelmed.

But every cloud has a silver lining, and in this case, it’s the abundance of strategies to navigate through these moments and mitigate the high. This blog post is your guide to curtailing your cannabis high and reclaiming that feel-good vibe. Let’s embark on this journey to discover various methods you can employ when you’re feeling too high.

First Aid Kit: Too high? Here’s how you can scale down your cannabis high

Remember, the high is transient and will eventually fade away. Allow yourself the time and space to recover and possibly learn from the experience to make wiser cannabis consumption choices in the future.

1. Keep Calm:

Make an effort to stay calm and breathe deeply. Keep reminding yourself that the high is temporary and won’t inflict any permanent damage.

2. Hydrate:

Rehydrating is key to staving off dehydration and dry mouth.

3. Seek a serene ambiance:

Migrating to a comfortable, relaxed setting can help ease your mind and body.

4. Distraction:

Dive into a movie, listen to soothing tunes, or get engrossed in a good book to divert your mind.

5. Deep Breathing:

Engage in breathing exercises to calm your mind and relax your body.

6. Take CBD:

CBD can aid in reducing the psychoactive effects of THC.

7. Chew peppercorns:

Munching on peppercorns can help bring down the high. Pepper contains the terpene Beta-Caryophyllene, known for its anti-anxiety properties.

8. Sleep:

If feasible, try to nap or even sleep through the night. Sleep can facilitate the fading of the high.

9. Eat:

Nibble on a snack or have a light meal to stabilize your blood sugar levels.

10. Communication:

Talk to a close confidant about your feelings and apprehensions to calm yourself and receive some support.

Person sitting in a cozy room, practicing relaxation techniques
Person in a cozy room using various methods to calm down from a cannabis high

Spotting the Signs of Overindulging in Cannabis

Are you familiar with the signs that might indicate that you’ve had one too many hits? Here are the top 5 symptoms that could signal you’re too stoned:

1. Anxiety and Panic

Consuming large amounts of THC can overstimulate your body’s endocannabinoid system, leading your nervous system to go into overdrive. This often results in feelings of anxiety or panic attacks.

You might feel exceptionally unsettled, experience a racing heart, and have an amplified sense of threat or fear.

Solution: Retreating to a quiet and familiar environment can be beneficial. Slow and deep breathing exercises can help calm you down and stabilize your nervous system.

Distinguished distractions like soft music or soothing sounds can also provide relief. Remember, these sensations are temporary.

2. Paranoia

Paranoia from cannabis use manifests as an irrational worry or distrust towards other people or your surroundings. These states can be scary and often lead to a strong tendency to socially withdraw.

Solution: Changing your environment can provide immediate relief. Moving away from the source of discomfort and transitioning into a familiar, safe space can lessen feelings of threat.

Activities that promote tranquility and relaxation, like yoga or meditation, can also be beneficial.

3. Nausea and Dizziness

Cannabis has the potential to affect your vestibular system and cause disruptions in your digestive system, leading to symptoms like nausea and dizziness.

This is especially prevalent among novice users or those who have consumed potent doses.

Solution: Rest is essential. Laying down can help stabilize your balance. Staying hydrated is crucial, as well as consuming light, non-irritating foods. Natural remedies like ginger root or peppermint tea can help combat nausea.

4. Racing Heart

THC can cause a temporary increase in heart rate, manifesting as uncomfortable racing heart. This can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and be concerning.

Solution: It’s important to sit or lie down and try to stay calm. Deep, mindful breathing can help lower your heart rate. If the racing heart doesn’t subside or is extremely intense, seeking medical help should be considered.

5. Cannabis Tremors

Some consumers experience uncontrollable shaking or tremors, triggered by the impact of cannabis on the central nervous system. This is particularly noticeable in hands, arms, or legs.

Solution: Relaxation techniques and warmth can help reduce the shaking. A warm bath or hot shower can offer relaxation and loosen tight muscles. Wrapping yourself in a warm blanket or receiving a gentle massage can also help decrease muscle tension.

Breathe Deeply and Find Your Inner Peace

If you’re feeling too high, it’s crucial to take a step back and focus on your breathing. Slow, deep breaths can help you gather your thoughts and release tension.

Simply close your eyes and concentrate on your inhales and exhales for about two to three minutes. Try not to pay attention to anxious thoughts and allow your body the opportunity to relax.

Avoiding Panic: Keep Calm and Be Patient

Take a deep breath, you’ve got this! It’s essential not to panic in these situations and keep your cool. Your high may be intense, but remember it’s temporary.

The symptoms will fade away in a few minutes, and in one to two hours you’ll feel normal again.

Yes, waiting can sometimes feel like it drags on forever, but it’s reassuring to know that it gets better over time. Just remember, no one has ever died from weed alone, and try to focus on the fact that the discomfort will soon be over.

Even though it might seem complicated: try to enjoy the cannabis high rather than fight against it.

Lemon Pepper: The Unexpected Secret Weapon Against Intense Highs

Lemon pepper, you say? That’s correct! No matter how odd it might sound, research has shown that some terpenes found in everyday foods can interact with cannabis terpenes, creating various effects. This is known as the “Entourage Effect”.

The active terpenes in pepper and lemon (known as piperine and limonene respectively) are famous for working against the effects of THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis.

Kitchen scene with lemon, pepper grinder, and a person preparing the mixture
Preparing a lemon-pepper mixture to curb cannabis high

So, it’s time to head to the kitchen! Merely combine a smidge of pepper with a dash of lemon juice and gulp this blend down with a glass of water.

Alternatively, suck on a lemon or peppermint candy to achieve similar results. Allow your body a few minutes to react to these unexpected aids, and you’ll be amazed at how much they can mellow your high.

Hydrate & Snack: The Magic of Munchies

At times, simply drinking water can aid in feeling a tad better. Ensure you’re hydrating sufficiently, but don’t go overboard – you wouldn’t want to risk water poisoning! You could also try munching on some healthy treats like nuts, fruits or vegan yogurt.

Eating can help expedite the fading of your high as it boosts your metabolism and assists in quicker breakdown of cannabis constituents.

The Art of Distraction: Movies, Music & Activities

Feeling overwhelmed? Distraction can be an effective tool to subdue the intensity of unwanted effects from too much cannabis. Watching movies or series can prove especially beneficial as they transport you into different realms, helping divert your thoughts from your current state.

Listening to music is another fantastic option; calming tunes or your favorite tracks can have a therapeutic effect and uplift your mood.

Person watching a movie, listening to music, and walking in the park
Various activities like watching movies, listening to music, and walking to distract from an overwhelming cannabis high

Light physical activities like going for a walk or engaging in simple household chores can also help shift your focus and ease your mind.

CBD: THC’s Antagonist

Cannabidiol (CBD) is another cannabinoid found in cannabis, but unlike THC, it doesn’t have a psychoactive effect. In fact, CBD can even help to tone down THC’s high.

So, if you’ve consumed more THC than you can handle and are feeling uneasy, you might want to consider taking some CBD. This could be in the form of oil, capsules or even a CBD-rich strain of cannabis.

A Trusted Friend: Talk It Out When You’re Too High

Feeling overwhelmed? Talking to someone you trust can be helpful. A familiar voice can help calm you down and manage the situation better.

Explain to your confidant how you’re feeling and ask them to listen and support you. Sometimes, just having someone understanding and supportive nearby is enough. You might even find that the cannabis high suddenly feels good.

In Conclusion: You Got This – And Your Next Cannabis High Will Be More Pleasant

An unpleasant high can be a scary experience, but remember that it’s only temporary. With the tips outlined above, you can tame the high and feel better in no time. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect and next time, you can dose better to avoid such situations.

What should I do if I feel too high?

Stay calm, breathe deeply, hydrate, find a serene environment, distract yourself, take CBD, chew peppercorns, sleep, eat, and talk to a friend.

How long does a cannabis high last?

The duration of a cannabis high can vary, but typically it lasts between 2 to 4 hours, with the peak effects subsiding after 1 to 2 hours.

Can CBD help reduce the effects of THC?

Yes, CBD can help reduce the psychoactive effects of THC and provide a calming effect.

Why do I feel anxious after consuming cannabis?

Consuming large amounts of THC can overstimulate the endocannabinoid system, leading to anxiety or panic attacks.

What are the signs of overindulging in cannabis?

Signs include anxiety, paranoia, nausea, dizziness, racing heart, and tremors.

How can I avoid getting too high in the future?

Start with a low dose, consume in a comfortable environment, avoid mixing substances, and be mindful of your mood before consuming.

Owner Win planting in front of the shop
Sawadee ka, I'am Win

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