Mango Magic: Boost Your Cannabis High Naturally

Owner Win planting in front of the shop
Close-up of mangoes and cannabis leaves

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Ever come across the notion that munching on a mango can enhance your cannabis-high? You might be incredulous, but there’s actually a scientific basis to back up this claim.

In this article, we’re going to delve into the fascinating linkage between mangoes and cannabis, and see if there is any truth to the idea of mangoes bolstering the effects of your high.

Prepare to be amazed by the potency of the mango and its synergistic relationship with cannabis.

Understanding the Science behind Mangoes and Cannabis

The Significance of Terpenes

The connection between mangoes and cannabis pivots on a common terpene called Myrcene. Terpenes are organic compounds that give plants their distinctive aroma and flavor.

Myrcene is the most prevalent terpene in cannabis, and it is also abundantly found in mangoes. It possesses soothing and analgesic properties, interacting with the same brain receptors as cannabis does.

Myrcene – The Unifying Terpene

One particular terpene that’s found in both cannabis and mangoes is Myrcene.

Being the most common terpene in cannabis, it’s renowned for its calming, pain-relieving properties. Given its high concentration in mangoes as well, this fruit makes an ideal contender for enhancing your cannabis high.

Myrcene’s Impact on the Endocannabinoid System

Myrcene interacts with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions.

The ECS comprises receptors, including the CB1 receptor, which THC – the primary active component of cannabis – binds to.

By binding to these receptors, Myrcene can potentially magnify the effect of THC, thereby intensifying your high.

How to Best Pair Mangoes and Cannabis

Choosing the Right Time to Eat Mangoes

To harness the full benefit of mangoes on your cannabis high, aim to eat the mango about 1-2 hours before you consume cannabis.

Detailed illustration of mango and cannabis plant
Mango and cannabis plant showing Myrcene

This gives your body ample time to absorb the Myrcene from the mango and produce the desired effect. It’s also viable to consume the mango whilst partaking in cannabis or shortly after, to achieve a noticeable effect.

Adjusting the Quantity of Mangoes

The amount of mangoes required to boost your high can differ from person to person.

Some individuals may experience effects with just a single mango, while others may need two or three mangoes to achieve the desired outcome.

It’s wise to start with one mango and gradually increase the quantity to determine what works best for you.

Consider Your Metabolism Speed

It’s essential to remember that everyone’s metabolism varies. This variation can influence how much eating a mango intensifies your weed high.

If you possess a slower metabolism, a single mango might be ample to boost your high. Conversely, if your metabolism is faster, you may require 2-3 mangos to achieve the desired amplification of your high.

Added Benefits of Mangoes

Health Advantages

Besides possibly boosting your cannabis high, mangoes offer various health benefits.

They provide vital vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium.

Person eating mango with cannabis in background
Eating mango to boost cannabis high

Also, mangoes are rich in antioxidants that enhance your immune system. They also promote heart health, eye health, as well as skin and hair health.

Tasty Snack to Curb Munchies

If you’re among those who often experience the munchies when consuming cannabis, mangoes can help curb this tendency.

Mangoes are rich in water and fibre, making you feel full longer. Simultaneously, their nutrient-rich content keeps your body satisfied, thus reducing your snack cravings.

Other Foods That Can Enhance the Effects of Cannabis

Mangoes are not the only food that can influence the effects of cannabis. There are many other foods containing terpenes or cannabinoids that could modify your high in various ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Black Pepper:
    Black pepper contains the terpene beta-caryophyllene, which has anti-inflammatory properties and interacts with the body’s cannabinoid receptors. It may help reduce anxiety and paranoia sometimes associated with cannabis use.
  • Cloves:
    Cloves contain the terpene beta-caryophyllene and the terpene eugenol. Both terpenes can have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, thus enhancing the overall wellbeing during your high.
  • Truffles:
    Truffles contain anandamide, a naturally occurring cannabinoid known as the “bliss molecule.” It can improve mood and intensify the high.
  • Carrots:
    Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a carotenoid that gets converted into Vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A is essential for eye health and may protect the light-sensitive cells in the retina that can be affected by cannabis use.
  • Cabbage:
    Cabbage contains the terpene linalool, which produces calming and relaxing effects. It can help reduce stress and make the high more enjoyable.

Should You Try Mangoes and Cannabis Together?

Many cannabis consumers report positive experiences when combining mangoes and cannabis. If you enjoy both mangoes and weed, there’s no reason not to give it a go. This combination could enhance both your cannabis effects and overall experience, adding a fresh dimension to your usual cannabis routine.


The combination of mangoes and cannabis is an intriguing phenomenon based on the shared terpene Myrcene’s effects. Consuming a mango before enjoying your weed might intensify your high, amplifying its relaxing and pain-relieving properties.

Aside from potentially boosting your high, mangoes offer numerous health benefits, making this delicious fruit worth indulging in anytime.

Give it a try and see how mangoes can enhance your cannabis experience. Whether you’re seeking a more potent effect or just curious about this combination, adding mangoes to your cannabis routine could be a tasty and exciting experience. Remember, everyone’s high is different, so experiment and find the best way for you to enjoy mangoes and cannabis together.

How do mangoes enhance the effects of cannabis?

Mangoes contain Myrcene, a terpene that enhances THC’s effect by binding to the same brain receptors, potentially making your high more intense.

When should I eat mangoes to boost my cannabis high?

For best results, eat mangoes about 1-2 hours before consuming cannabis to allow your body to absorb the Myrcene, which can amplify the effects of THC.

Are there any other foods that enhance cannabis effects?

Yes, foods like black pepper, cloves, truffles, carrots, and cabbage also contain compounds that may modify the effects of cannabis through their terpene or cannabinoid content.

What are the health benefits of eating mangoes?

Mangoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and B6, antioxidants, and minerals like magnesium and potassium, promoting heart health, immune function, and overall well-being.

Can everyone use mangoes to enhance their cannabis high?

The effect can vary based on individual metabolism and the type of cannabis used. Start with one mango and adjust based on your experience.

Is it safe to mix mangoes with cannabis?

Generally, it’s safe for healthy adults, but it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare provider if you have health concerns or are taking other medications.

Owner Win planting in front of the shop
Sawadee ka, I'am Win

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