Combatting Cottonmouth: Effective Remedies for Dry Mouth from Cannabis Use

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Person lounging on a hammock with iced tea and cannabis plants

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Ever wonder why your mouth feels like a desert in heat after you’ve indulged in your favourite green? Don’t sweat it, you’re not alone! This well known phenomenon, playfully referred to as “cottonmouth” within the cannabis community, is often the uninvited guest during many marijuana sessions.

But why does this happen? More importantly, what can be done to counter it, other than waiting for a virtual rainstorm in the mouth?

In this article, we’re diving deep into the mystery of cottonmouth, exploring both scientific and less scientific reasons behind it, and most importantly, how you can help restore your mouth’s much-deserved moisture.

So grab a snack (hopefully, one that doesn’t dry out your mouth), get comfy, and let’s collectively unravel the secret of dry mouth after a chill weed session together.

What is Cannabis Cottonmouth?

Imagine your oral cavity suddenly transforming into a barren wasteland, devoid of even a drop of saliva. This experience, known as dry mouth or scientifically termed as “Xerostomia”, can be more than just an uncomfortable sensation.

It is a state, also referred to as cannabis cottonmouth wherein your salivary glands go on strike and don’t produce enough saliva to keep your mouth moist.

Why Saliva is Important?

But why is saliva so crucial? Besides its proficiency in turning the Sahara-like condition in your mouth into a lush rainforest, saliva plays a pivotal role in digestion.

It aids in chewing and swallowing and safeguards your oral health by washing away bacteria and food particles.

Thus, dry mouth could potentially be more than just temporary discomfort; it may also pose a risk for bad breath, gum diseases, and tooth decay.

No need to worry!

But don’t fret! Even if your mouth feels like a bar where the bartender went home too early, there are ample ways to bring back the bubbling oasis.

As we delve further into this article, you’ll learn how cannabis precisely leads to this parched sensation and what you can do to joyfully sail through your mouth’s dry spell.

Why Does Cannabis Cause Dry Mouth?

Imagine THC as an uninvited guest at your salivary glands’ party who turns off the tap and declares, “Party’s over, folks!”

Dry cracked landscape transitioning to lush moist environment symbolizing hydration
From dry to hydrated: Visualizing relief.

This is because THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, binds to the cannabinoid receptors in your body. Not only will you find these receptors in your brain, but they’re also hanging out in your salivary glands.

When THC comes along, it sends a message to the salivary glands telling them it’s time to cease production. The result? A mouth so arid even camels might turn green with envy.

The Role of Receptors in Salivary Glands

But why do we have these receptors in our salivary glands to begin with?

They’re part of an intricate system that helps regulate our bodily functions. THC throws off this balance by putting a damper on saliva production.

That’s the scientific breakdown, but let’s be real: It feels like someone filled your mouth with cotton balls.

So, the next time you find yourself struggling to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth after enjoying some green goodness, you’ll know it’s THC playing its part.

It’s like a little reminder from Mother Nature that everything in life comes with a price tag – even the relaxation that cannabis brings.

What Can You Do About “Cottonmouth” from Cannabis?

“Cottonmouth”, the unwelcome dryness in your mouth after indulging in cannabis, can be quite annoying.

But don’t panic! There are a few cool hacks to restore your mouth back to its moist and glorious state. First off, water is your BFF. Keep sipping away and your mouth will thank you.

Hydrating Snacks for Cottonmouth

If you’re in the mood to try something new, hydrating snacks like cucumber sticks or watermelon aren’t just healthy, they’re also super hydrating.

In short, with these tricks up your sleeve, your mouth will be moist again faster than you can say “cottonmouth”!

Person relaxing on a couch with water and cucumber slices in a cozy living room
Relaxation and self-care after cannabis use.

Foods to Avoid When You Have Cottonmouth

If you’re battling cottonmouth after cannabis consumption, there are certain foods and beverages that could exacerbate the dryness.

Here’s a list of 10 items that should ideally be on your “Not today” list:

  • Salty snacks – They rob your mouth of even more moisture.
  • Spicy foods – Might worsen the feeling of dryness.
  • Garlic and onions – Aggravate dry mouth and bad breath.
  • Coffee – Caffeine acts as a diuretic and promotes dehydration.
  • Alcoholic beverages – Deplete the body of water and heighten mouth dryness.
  • Sugary foods and drinks – Could intensify dry mouth and lead to cavities.
  • Highly processed foods – Often contain ingredients that don’t alleviate dryness.
  • Citrus fruits and juices – The acid could sting and cause discomfort in a dry mouth.
  • Dry bread and crackers – Difficult to consume without adequate moisture in the mouth.
  • Tobacco products – Smoking could intensify mouth dryness further.

Instead of consuming these foods, it’s advisable to focus on hydrating snacks and beverages that aid in restoring mouth moisture and enhancing well-being.

Top Tips for Battling Dry Mouth

When it comes to battling the dry mouth effect cannabis can cause, the best tips focus on restoring moisture and alleviating the uncomfortable dryness.

A tried-and-true method is sufficient hydration by drinking water. Regular water intake, not just occasional sips, can help compensate for the reduction in saliva production caused by THC.

It combats dryness directly, helping your body regain its balance.

Besides drinking fluids, chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free candies can stimulate saliva production. This is particularly useful as saliva contains natural enzymes that play a role in protecting oral health.

Another great tip is using humidifiers in rooms where you spend a lot of time. They increase air humidity, improving the comfort of your mouth and reducing dryness.

The key is implementing simple yet effective measures that not only alleviate symptoms but also promote general well-being and safeguard oral health.

Iced Tea: The Stoner’s Favorite Beverage

The relationship between stoners and iced tea is as refreshing as the drink itself. Why has iced tea become so popular in the cannabis community?

Well, it’s more than just a drink; it symbolizes coolness and relaxation. Picture yourself lounging on your couch, joint in one hand and a glass of ice-cold tea in the other.

The iced tea not only cools your dry palate but also offers a sweet escape from your mouth’s arid reality. It’s the yin to your yang, the hydrating hug your mouth craves after a long drag.

But the ice tea cult runs deeper. It’s like that best buddy who’s always there, no judgment, ready to help you through even the most parched times.

Maybe it’s the perfect balance of sweetness and refreshment that makes it irresistible, or the fact that it’s suitable at any time of the day or night.

Finding iced tea among stoners is as sure as the high they’re chasing – a reliable source of refreshment that never lets down.

From a simple beverage, it becomes an icon of cannabis culture, loved for its ability to infuse even the driest moments with mirth.

What NOT to Do When Battling Dry Mouth?

In the battle against dreaded dry mouth, an unwelcome side effect of enjoying cannabis, there are a few things that are counterproductive.

It may seem tempting to grab a sweet soft drink or a strong coffee, but that’s about as effective as using a hairdryer in a snowstorm.

Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate the body, intensifying mouth dryness. Remember: an espresso when you have dry mouth is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

To avoid exacerbating the situation, here are some things you should steer clear of:

  • Alcoholic beverages: They can further dehydrate your body and intensify the feeling of dryness.
  • Caffeinated drinks: Like alcohol, they contribute to dehydration and make your mouth feel dryer.
  • Sugar-laden snacks and drinks: Not only do they promote dry mouth, but they also provide a perfect breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to dental problems.

But wait, before you condemn all sweet beverages, remember our beloved sugar-free iced teas and other sugar-free alternatives.

These can indeed be a small oasis in your desert, as long as they’re sugar-free. Sugar-free beverages can provide pleasant refreshment without amplifying the feeling of dryness or hosting a bacteria fiesta in your mouth.

So, if the craving for something flavorful is irresistible, navigate wisely through the drinks menu and choose options that won’t turn your mouth desert into an even more barren landscape.


In a nutshell: dry mouth is the less enjoyable side effect of enjoying cannabis. THC is the culprit, leaving our salivary glands high and dry.

The rescue? Water – your new best friend. Sugar-free gums and snacks are also worth their weight in gold.

Avoid drinks and snacks that do more harm than good, i.e., alcohol, coffee, and sugar bombs. And the ultimate tip: think of water as the wifi signal for your mouth – you just can’t do without it!

What causes cottonmouth after smoking cannabis?

Cottonmouth, or dry mouth, occurs because THC in cannabis binds to cannabinoid receptors in the salivary glands, reducing saliva production and leading to a dry feeling in the mouth.

How can I quickly relieve cottonmouth after cannabis use?

To quickly alleviate cottonmouth, drink plenty of water, chew sugar-free gum, or suck on sugar-free candies to stimulate saliva production. Hydrating snacks like cucumber can also help.

Are there any long-term solutions to prevent cottonmouth?

Regular hydration, avoiding dehydrating substances like alcohol and caffeine, and using a humidifier can help prevent cottonmouth in the long term.

Can cottonmouth be harmful to my oral health?

Yes, prolonged dry mouth can lead to bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay because saliva is not present to wash away bacteria and food particles.

What foods and drinks should I avoid if I have cottonmouth?

Avoid salty snacks, spicy foods, coffee, alcohol, sugary foods and drinks, and dry foods, as these can exacerbate dry mouth symptoms.

Is it normal to experience cottonmouth every time I use cannabis?

While not everyone experiences cottonmouth, it is a common side effect due to how THC interacts with the body’s salivary glands. It may not occur every time, depending on individual sensitivity and the amount of cannabis consumed.

Owner Win planting in front of the shop
Sawadee ka, I'am Win

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