Cannabis and Exercise: Can Weed Enhance Your Workout?

Owner Win planting in front of the shop
Fitness enthusiast holding a cannabis leaf in the gym

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You might not intuitively pair cannabis and exercise, but there’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that adding a little green to your workout routine could have some unexpected benefits. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the potential pros and cons of combining cannabis and fitness, to figure out if weed can really give your workouts a boost.

The TL;DR for Those Who’d Rather Be Exercising

Incorporating cannabis into your fitness routine can have both upsides and downsides. On the positive side, it can enhance mood, relieve pain, and potentially boost focus.

On the flip side, it might impair reaction times and coordination. Combining cannabis and exercise requires careful selection of strains and doses, as well as mindfulness of safety precautions. Research is still ongoing, so more studies are needed to fully understand how cannabis affects physical performance.

The Science of Cannabis and Exercise: A Primer

Cannabis contains over 100 different cannabinoids, with THC and CBD being the most well-known.

These cannabinoids interact with our body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in pain management, inflammation control, mood regulation, and many other functions.

Human endocannabinoid system interacting with THC and CBD

Here are some ways cannabis could potentially benefit athletes:

Reducing Anxiety and Optimizing Mindset

Low doses of THC can have an anxiety-relieving effect that could prove beneficial in high-stress competitive situations.

Some athletes report enhanced focus and an improved ability to zero in on their performance when they consume cannabis. One 2017 study even found that low doses of THC could restore cognitive function in lab rats.

Alleviating Pain and Relaxing Muscles

Cannabis has properties that can dull pain sensation and relax muscles. The German Journal of Sports Medicine reported that athletes who consume cannabis tend to experience less pain or tolerate it better.

The study also found a link between cannabis use and higher training rates.

Potential Perks of Merging Cannabis and Fitness

When used wisely, combining cannabis and fitness can offer some advantages:

Enhanced Mental Attitude

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for training and athletic performance. Research has shown that low doses of THC, the main active component of cannabis, can enhance cognitive functions and positively influence mental attitude.

This could make athletes more motivated and focused, leading to improved performance during training sessions. Plus, some fitness enthusiasts report that using cannabis helps them concentrate intensely on a specific task and achieve a meditative state of flow during workouts.

Athlete meditating with cannabis in a serene setting
An athlete meditates in a serene room, with a hint of cannabis smoke.

Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation

Cannabis is renowned for its pain-relieving properties, which can be particularly useful during intense workouts or recovery from injuries.

By lessening pain perception, athletes can push harder and longer in their training sessions, which ultimately contributes to better performance. Moreover, cannabis can relax muscles, thus reducing the risk of injury and aiding recovery post-workout.

Increased Exercise Rates and Enhanced Recovery

Studies have shown that athletes who use cannabis tend to have higher exercise rates. This could be attributed to the added pleasure that cannabis provides before and after workouts.

Users report heightened feelings of joy and improved recovery due to cannabis use. Better recovery could mean athletes are ready for their next workout sooner and make overall faster progress.

Weed & Workouts: What Does the Research Say?

Cannabis is gaining traction in the health and fitness world. In this section, we’ll delve into the research on “cannabis and exercise” to better understand potential pros, cons, and impacts on athletic performance.

Mental Attitude

As mentioned earlier, cannabis can positively influence mental attitude, which in turn can enhance athletic performance.

A 2017 study involving lab rats discovered a correlation between low-dose THC and potential restoration of cognitive function in the tested animals, suggesting similar effects might occur in humans.


Research on cannabis’s effects on stamina is currently limited. However, many athletes have reported improved endurance performance with the use of cannabis. Journalist Josiah Hesse, for instance, shares his personal experiences with cannabis and running in his book “Runner’s High”.

According to Hesse, cannabis helps him run longer distances and keeps his mind free from negative thoughts that could otherwise hamper his training sessions.

Muscle Growth and Recovery

While there aren’t many studies directly exploring the influence of cannabis on muscle growth and recovery, some research suggests that certain cannabinoids like CBD have anti-inflammatory properties. This could mean that using CBD products post-workout could help reduce inflammation and speed up the recovery process.

Researcher examining a cannabis plant in a lab
A researcher studies a cannabis plant in a lab setting.

Understanding the Downsides of Cannabis in Sports

Adverse Impacts on Lung Functionality

Smoking cannabis might pose a threat to lung function, diminishing respiratory capacity, which can in turn affect athletic performance. Luckily, there are alternative ways of ingesting cannabis such as vaping, edibles, and oil tinctures which are less taxing on the lungs. These methods can reduce the negative impacts on respiration.

Impaired Reaction Time and Coordination

High levels of THC, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, could impair reaction time and coordination. This might result in sub-optimal sports performance. Athletes should therefore consider using low-dose products or products high in CBD and low in THC to minimize this risk.

Legal and Ethical Implications

In many countries, the consumption of cannabis is illegal and can lead to legal consequences. Moreover, use of cannabis is banned in certain sports and competitions, potentially resulting in penalties or disqualification. It is essential for athletes to familiarize themselves with the legal and ethical framework of their country and sport before opting for cannabis use.

Cannabis and Sports – The Summary

The integration of cannabis into sports has its pros and cons. While it can improve mental focus, relieve pain, and boost recovery, there are potential downsides such as impaired lung function, decreased reaction time and coordination, as well as legal and ethical issues.

To maximize the positive effects of cannabis in sports while minimizing potential risks, athletes should stick to low-dose products, choose alternative modes of administration, and stay informed about the legal and ethical guidelines within their country and sport.

Overall, whether cannabis aids in training is subjective and cannot be generalized. It is advisable to consider personal needs and goals, and if necessary, seek advice from a doctor or expert before making a decision. It’s also important to remember that everyone’s response to cannabis varies; so it might be wise to start slow and monitor the body’s reaction to the mix of cannabis and sports.

Guidelines for Using Cannabis in Sports

Start Slow

If you’re contemplating trying cannabis in sports, it’s recommended to start slow and gradually increase the dose. This approach will allow you to determine the optimal quantity for you without risking overdose or impaired performance.

Select the Appropriate Administration Method

As mentioned earlier, there are different ways of ingesting cannabis, each having different effects on health and sports performance. Consider which method aligns best with your lifestyle and training goals – be it smoking, vaping, edibles or oil tinctures.

Pay Attention to Quality and Components

The quality and composition of cannabis products can vary significantly. It’s important to source products from trustworthy manufacturers and understand the exact ingredients, particularly the THC and CBD content, to achieve the best results.

Consult an Expert

If you’re unsure whether combining cannabis and sports is suitable for you, consider seeking advice from a doctor or expert. They can inform you about potential risks and side effects and help you make an informed decision.

Cannabis and Sports – Our Verdict

Cannabis and sports are two topics garnering growing interest in society. The possible benefits like improved mental focus, pain relief, and muscle relaxation make this combination appealing for many athletes. However, potential downsides such as adverse effects on lung function, impaired reaction time and coordination, along with legal and ethical considerations should also be taken into account.

Personal factors and objectives play a crucial role in determining if cannabis can be beneficial in training. It’s important to be well-informed about the topic, choose the right method of administration and product quality, and if needed, consult an expert. Through responsible use of cannabis in sports, potential benefits can be maximized, and risks minimized.


Can cannabis really improve my exercise routine?

Cannabis may enhance focus and reduce pain, potentially benefiting your workouts. However, it’s important to use it responsibly and consider legal restrictions.

How does cannabis affect my mental focus during sports?

Some athletes find low doses of THC can sharpen focus and reduce anxiety, which may improve performance in competitive situations.

What are the risks of using cannabis in sports?

Potential risks include impaired coordination, reaction times, and lung health, especially with high THC levels or when smoking.

Is it legal to use cannabis in sports?

The legality of cannabis use in sports varies by region and sport regulations. Always check local laws and sporting body guidelines.

How should I start using cannabis for my workouts?

Start with low doses and choose methods like edibles or tinctures to avoid lung irritation. Consider consulting with a healthcare provider.

What are the best cannabis strains for exercise?

Strains with a balanced THC-to-CBD ratio are often recommended for enhancing focus and reducing inflammation without overly sedating effects.

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